Day 7 of 2022 and for many of us the enthusiasm & optimism that comes with the new year may already be waning.
New Year’s resolutions to lose those inches, complete that certification, control that temper, eat better, drink more water, exercise more, save more, invest wisely, etc may already be fading into the background.
And after all, why not? 2022 brought with it a new wave of the virus. The weather is as gloomy as the financial forecasts. Doomsday predictions loom large and with so many things going wrong with the world, maintaining a positive mindset might be becoming hard for many of us.

This is why I thought let me share with you, my word of the year 2022
Charhdi Kala
This Punjabi phrase is a part of the daily prayers in Sikhism. ‘Kala’ which comes from Sanskrit, denotes energy & in Punjabi, 'Charhdi’ means rising, ascending, soaring. So, the phrase can be translated as "a positive attitude" or "ascending energy". But these 2 simple words encompass so much more...
Charhdi Kala signifies a perennially blossoming, unwilting spirit with unwavering belief in Divine justice. It is characterised by faith, confidence, cheerfulness, courage, fortitude, discipline, a willingness to stand for what you believe in and a spirit to act with self-possession and resolution even in the face of the most daunting challenge.
Charhdi Kala is a state of mind free of all negative emotions like fear, jealousy, greed or enmity. It is about inculcating positive feelings of joy, satisfaction and self-dignity.

This beautiful phrase describes a state of being in the present moment as if now is all there is. This is a state of joyfulness inside the struggle—an energy that keeps us in motion, a whole new level of optimism we should all aspire to.

These sentiments seem appropriate for the year that is 2022. So, here’s wishing may you all remain….
In High spirits
Ever progressive
Always cheerful
Intensely energized
Undefeated by adversities
Charhdi Kala for now & forever more!
Choosing a Word of the Year is a powerful ritual for the New Year. One word to keep top of mind throughout the year, for focusing intention. This word doesn’t need to be about doing something but more about a way of doing or being.
Powerful words linger... Choose your word(s) carefully and make it part of your day. It can guide your thinking and ultimately your actions. It serves as a Mantra, a powerful reminder to live your intentions & how you can act differently in trigger situations. It can quickly centre you and bring you back to intention.
Beautifully written. I'm already feeling elated, and ready to face whatever comes my way!