"You don’t need fear to avoid an unnecessary danger, just a minimum of intelligence and common sense. ” ~Eckhart Tolle

So, there's a lockdown imposed in approx. 75 cities and over 400 confirmed cases in India(at the time of writing this blog) I hope you all are staying strong, staying positive and making the most of this time at home with your loved ones. But I urge everyone to keep an eye out for those who might not be coping well with the lock down situation.
I was scrolling through the multiple chat groups & noticed few messages with red flag words like 'depressed', 'afraid', 'scary' & 'lonely'. And I realised then, we need to reach out.....

Just because we have been advised to practice #socialdistancing doesn't mean we need to isolate ourselves too. So here's a few things you can do to ensure your own mental health as well as that of others:
Stick to a routine - when you have to spend many days at home, without an option to step out it can get pretty boring pretty fast. So remember to have a routine (I listed out a detailed routine we all can use, in my previous blog post https://www.vvic.co.in/post/how-to-survive-wfh)
Get some exercise - It doesn't have to be excessive, it doesn't have to be to gain muscle or lose weight or anything else, it is simply to stay active. Walk up and down stairs, pace in your living room, do some stationary jogging, an ab workout, planks, push ups, dance battles with your family or (my favourite) yoga. Pick one, or mix them up and do something new everyday. Social media is full of "workout at home" tips

Get some Sun & fresh air - Even if it means sticking your head out a window or standing on your balcony or on your landing. Open your windows, let the light in. There's plenty of research out there that shows sunlight exposure helps improve your mood and focus by boosting the serotonin (happiness hormone) levels in your body.
Pamper yourself - Use this time to indulge in those spa treatments you didn't have time for. DIY Spa at home can be relaxing, light on the pocket and could even be a fun way to bond with your significant other, parents or kids. 'Mummyji ki champi' beats all other head massages. A romantic massage by your partner with some aromatic oils, soft music & candle light could be bliss. Or try giving yourself a home pedicure to pamper those toes. Face masks here we come. (my favourites are the no fuss #sheetmasks from #innisfree)
Pick up the phone & reach out - "I care" and "I am here for you" are two simple things you can say to those who you can't be with. Make some time to call up those relatives you haven't spoken to in a while just to check up on them. Video call your parents, kids, in-laws, friends because seeing a smiling face helps. Most importantly, keep a watch out for any red flag words and make an extra effort for those who are living alone, prone to anxiety or immobile.
Stop scrolling through those updates - 24 hours of #jantacurfew #socialdistancing #coronavirus on the news, social media and whatsapp was enough for me to realise that enough is enough.

As someone very wise said, "We keep checking statistics or keep spreading the ‘awareness’ messages on social media without noticing that the more we talk about it the more it becomes active in our vibration. Fear is a very strong vibration and the more you feed the energy of fear the more profound it becomes. So stop discussing it with family and friends; stop checking out the latest statistics. Stop watching incessantly the news about coronavirus." Take your attention away and turn it to happiness & well being.
Learn from the children - Paulo Coelho said that, “A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires.”
Here are a few more lessons we can learn from the little ones.

Be fearless
Use your imagination
Express freely
Stop worrying about tomorrow
Adopt these and you will find that silver lining in the dark clouds