Which one is the real me?
The photograph on the Left
I took this photograph in the sunlight on a happy day. The pink bounced off my face and added a glow. I loved the way I was looking in it.
The photograph on the Right
A dear friend of mine used the magic of filters and edited the photo to conform with the prevalent expected norms of beauty on social media. She used 3 different apps for this. It must’ve been a lot of work and I’m super grateful for it.
Everything is so smooth, the jaw is sharper, the eyes are bigger, the lips have been sculpted to a perfect pout. I can’t tell if I’m looking at myself or a Disney princess
We’ve all done this, played around with filters.

However, here's the lowdown. As innocent and fun as these filters may seem, they are sending a message that your natural body is not acceptable and that you are more attractive with tweaks. These behaviours worsen body image & can even spiral towards obsessive compulsive tendencies around it.
So ask yourself
Do you mostly post photos with filters on them?
Does using filters make you dislike how you look without the filter?

I’m a huge believer in Authenticity. I wear makeup not to change my appearance but to enhance my natural features. I am not a huge fan of filters. I might occasionally increase brightness or blur the background to bring attention to a certain point but that’s as far as I go. And this is a conscious choice.
Perhaps it's time to ditch those filters & fall in love with yourself all over again. Here's 5 steps to begin with:
-Limit the time you spend on social media.
-Learn to recognise when you are comparing yourself to others and eliminate these thoughts.
-Focus on your strengths and the things you like about yourself.
-Create goals that help you feel healthy and happy.
-Practice taking at least one filter-less picture of yourself, and be ok with it.
And remember, perfect isn't a thing.
Focus on how you can #bethebestyou
I am in control of my self image. I love the way I look and feel in my own skin. I ensure that what people see of me is 'Always Attractive Appropriate and Authentic'
and I focus on being the best me. I can help you do the same for yourself.
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