Listen to your inner voice, they all say.. but what exactly is it?

Sometimes when you are following your passion, trying to achieve your dreams there's fear and you're plagued by self doubt. You lie awake in the night thinking that you will fail, that you just don't deserve this. There it is, that nagging voice telling you that you aren't good enough.
And then you stop and wonder, "Is this it? This voice inside my head that's telling me that I'm going to fail?"
Just at that moment, take a deep breath, and then another and listen carefully to this voice. It doesn't sound like you, does it? This isn't the sound of excitement joyous exclamations. This isn't what you sound like when you talk about your passion. This is the voice of other people telling you that you aren't enough. This is the voice of nay-sayers who do not want you to succeed. All the criticism and negativity from the outside, that your brain has stored away, for the devil to dig it up in the stillness of the night, to frighten you. He's a crafty one, that devil inside you, he take these words of other people and tries to pass them off as your own in your head
Now shush your brain because my dear friends, your inner voice lies further down. In your heart.
Your inner voice is gentle and kind. It is soft and bubbly & excited all at once. It sounds like a verbal hug and reminds you of the safe space in your parents arms when you were a child. Your inner voice is your heart, reminding you to believe. It's that angel sitting on your shoulder, keeping your protected and positive. Your inner voice is what speaks to you in your dreams or when you're working on your dreams. Your inner voice is your strength and your knowledge and your determination.
The only problem is that your inner voice isn't loud enough. You need to learn to listen over the noise to hear it.

I've learnt that I usually hear it best when -
I practice gratitude. When I remind myself of all that is good in my life, it quietens the negativity in my head and my inner voice gets stronger
I distance myself from the drama. We are all addicted to drama and sometimes we need to take a step back, focus on what needs to be done and nothing else. In those moments when I stop focusing on results, obstacles and distractions, my inner voice steps up and cheers me on. I am in the zone
I lift others. The universe gives back what we put out. And i feel that the more I help other people and cheer them on, the better I feel about myself & my positivity speaks to me. Its like a warm hug from myself to myself
I take a break. It is great to be focussed and hardworking, but we all need a break. A break doesn't need to be a long vacation, I'm simply talking about doing something relaxing and fun. I feel my inner joy rising when I'm cooking my favourite foods or when I'm in a long hot bath. (of course, at the beach I can hear my inner-voice screaming too :)
I am very still. Practicing meditation helps you quieten your mind and relax. That's truly when you can hear the divine within you and absorb the positive energy from the universe and rejuvenate yourself. There are many forms of meditation, and we can each find one that fits us.
So, all I'm saying is in 2021, believe! Believe in your dreams. Believe in yourself. Listen to the angel, not the devil on your shoulder.
Have a magical year and may you find joy and love around every corner