Someone once said “Change is usually initiated by the acknowledgement that something isn't working in our lives”

The world did come to a halt, whether we liked it or not. And the time is upon us when it starts opening up too. Now that the lockdown is almost over and we are all looking forward to going back to our lives, stop and ask yourself this question, is there anything about your life that you want to change? Do you want to go back to the way things were or perhaps, move on to something better?
It is time to Re-Imagine, Re-Think, Re-Create your life. Here's how..
First, stop complaining:
Constant complaining, whining or cribbing builds negativity in your mind and makes you stop appreciating all that is good and going your way. The negative mindset prevents you seeing a clear picture and finding the underlying cause for complaint.
Second, make a Wish List:
Imagine in a perfect world, what would you want to change in your life.
Make a list with 2 columns.
Column 1: Things that are great
Column 2: Things I wish I could change
Column 1 helps you stay positive. Express gratitude for all that is right and list it in this column 2
Column 2 helps you re-imagine your life. Work on this column to re-create your life.
Time to analyse Column 2:
This step is about re-thinking your approach to your roles and goals.

If you wrote down “I wish I made more money” or “I wish I could find my one true love” or “I wish my family would stop taking me for granted” or “I wish I did better at school” now is the time to ask yourself what can you do to change these things for the positive. Remember, life consists of 2 aspects- the stuff that you can’t change (zone of concern) and the stuff you can change (zone of control).
For each of the things you wished for in column 2, write down what you can change to make your wish come true. Remember, you can't change the situation or other people. The one thing you can change is you.
It is time to re-create yourself in order to fulfil your dreams.
Here's a little test:
Answer Yes or No to the following statements
1. I want to feel, think and act more confident
2. I want to look and feel more attractive
3. I want to make more money
4. I want to improve my productivity, credibility and authority at my workplace
5. I want a promotion or a better job
6. I want to improve my relationship with my spouse
7. I want better communication with my family
8. I am looking for love
9. I hope to be married within the year
10. I want to do better at school/college
Now for all those you said "Yes" to write down 3 things you can change about yourself.
Not sure what they are? I can help you with the next step. Ask me how..
#VibhintaVermaImageConsulting #makeoveryourlife #bestimageconsultant #lifecoach #gratitude #positivity #victorfrankl #internationalimageconsultant
Thank you Tushar
This is so simple and yet such a powerful tool to take control of your life.