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Looks shouldn't matter

Writer's picture: Vibhinta VermaVibhinta Verma

Updated: May 15, 2020

"Looks don’t matter!"

"My clothes shouldn’t matter!"

I’ve lost the count of how many times I’ve heard these words.

Let me ask you this-

  • Did you dress up he last time you went out for a party?

  • Do you regularly visit the salon for a haircut or other services?

  • When was the last time you went shopping for a new shirt, outfit, shoes or cosmetic product?

  • How long did it take you to find the perfect photograph for your DP?

  • When was the last time you looked in the mirror?

While many of us wish that our appearance did not matter, the reality is that it does. Human beings are visual beings. We make snap judgements based on appearance and our brains are constantly processing visual cues around us.

“The way you look affects the way you feel, the way you think, the way you act, and the way others react to you”. This is why the global fashion industry was worth 1.79 trillion USD in 2019 with a person buying 40-60 new garments annually and the beauty industry is another 532 billion USD with almost a 6.6% annual growth rate.

Our appearance creates an image in the minds of others, but too many of us discount the fact that our image first impacts our own thoughts and feelings. Think back to the last time you got dressed up for a special occasion. The act of dressing up immediately lifts our spirits and heightens anticipation for that occasion. There are many studies on the theory of 'Enclothed Cognition' that demonstrate that the clothes we wear can affect our thoughts and even our ability to perform better at mental tasks.

Our appearance speaks volumes to us and to others who see us. It is not possible to not communicate.

So, if your appearance does in fact speak to others, how about making sure it is sending the right message.

Many people are hesitant to go to an image consultant.

“It is too costly; they will only make me spend more money”

“they don’t teach me anything special, I know how to do this already”

As a qualified image consultant, I will not simply give you a makeover. I will not make you spend too much money or force you to dress or look like someone else.

What I will do is help you re-think the message you want to send to others message and create an appearance that does so consistently. Each individual has many great qualities and I can make sure that your image reflects your strengths and downplays your weaknesses so that you can #bethebestyou at all times.

You are always going to wear clothes, get a haircut, wear makeup and groom yourself. I simply help you do that with deliberation and thought.

Image Consultant Vibhinta Verma demonstrates men's styling
Vibhinta demonstrates men's styling

What if I said that every profession (and role in life) has a uniform – a stereotypical way that people expect you to look. The doctor wears a white lab coat, the lawyer wears a black one. The army chief wear a uniform and so does a school student. And there are yet others with undefined dress codes. Let me ask you, when I say CEO – what visual pops up in your head? How about when you try to imagine a banker, a software developer, a school teacher, a housewife or a photographer? The image that pops in your mind is the result of years of conditioning. And when there is a conflict between what you say and how you look, people will believe the visual.

Now ask yourself, do you dress for the job you have and more importantly for the one you want? Or, do you want to do better? You can be highly qualified, competent and skilled, but if you don't look the part, people might not give you the opportunity to prove yourself. Is that a risk you are willing to take?

Just like your education and technical skills your image too can be an asset. It can help you achieve your goals.

Image Consultant Vibhinta Verma with a client
Vibhinta can help you be the best you

Your clothing is a resource and I enable you to manage this resource, so you look, feel, think and #bethebestyou. I can help you re-examine your clothing choices, select clothes that work for you, tell you why and ensure that you never again feel like you don’t have anything to wear. I teach you to shop smart so that your clothes become an investment that work for you.

As an image consultant I will teach you a proven, time-tested system to ensure you never have to look, feel and act less than your best. I can help you create an appropriate, attractive and authentic that is suited to your lifestyle, your personal style and is easily afforded and maintained in the long run.

I don't do different things I help you #dothingsdifferently

To know more or make an appointment, click here!

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