If there is one piece of advice we should all take into 2023 (and beyond) with us, it is to become lifelong learners. Why? You ask?
Well, think about how much the world has changed around you in the past 20 years. In my lifetime alone television in India has gone from one single channel of 2 hours of television programming to multiple 24 hour channels to content on demand in the palm of your hands. Communication, from booking trunk calls to STD/ISD booths to making video calls across the world at almost zero cost.

Progress in all fields- technological, cultural, informational- is incredible. Our world and our lives continue to improve and change at an astounding pace. But this rapid pace of change can make one feel overwhelmed. In today’s world, if you don’t keep learning, you’re not simply standing still, you’re falling behind. In a nutshell…
“Learn faster than the world changes. In a world that never stops changing, you can never stop learning and growing.”
- Bud Bilanich
Lifelong learning is a key to success. As Mahatma Gandhi said -
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
To commit to lifelong learning, the first thing you must learn is how to learn, to increase your capacity to process and absorb new information. When information becomes virtually infinite, as is the case with the world around us, then being able to use the information better, and faster is a skill that becomes essential to success.

Most people who are embracing the learning mindset know that doing things “the way we’ve always done them” is not good reasoning. They are intellectually curious and enjoy the process of learning.
“Wisest is she who knows she does not know”
Humility is key to a learning mindset. If your ego will not let you admit that you do not know, you will never be able to learn something new.
Learning by doing is a concept that is oft repeated. Life is a journey and to learn as you go along, one must deviate from the path commonly taken. Learning requires you to try new things, be willing to fail and analyse your mistakes for new lessons.
Learning requires you to embrace ambiguity and adopt the new before it becomes the norm. When things work, use them to create new and better ways to do things in the future. Learn to stay ahead of the pack.
Successful people succeed because they are outstanding performers. To be one, you need to continually expand your knowledge to stay ahead of the curve. Adopting a learning mindset helps you stay ahead.
Focus on your strengths. A good place to begin your lifelong learning journey is by focusing on your strengths and working to improve them every day. It is far easier to work on developing your strengths than overcoming your weaknesses. Once you begin with baby steps, then you can move on to bridge any large gaps you might notice in your skill set. Learning is about reaching your full potential and can help you achieve self-actualisation.
I have discovered I am happiest when I know I am learning. And these 3 things help me learn everyday -

READING – From newspapers, to fiction books to online blogs. There is so much information available out there. Having developed the habit of reading early in life, I find it easy and enjoyable to absorb information on my own timeline.
TEACHING – As an image consultant, a corporate trainer and college faculty, I teach different subjects to a varied audience and this keeps me on my toes. Every student I encounter, those who ask me questions, challenge my teachings or don't, each one helps me learn more about the subjects I teach and about life.
BEING CURIOUS – I used to call myself a true nerd. I learnt later on that this nerdiness was a need to continue learning. I cannot come across a new term or new concept without feeling the need to know about it. This curiosity keeps me motivated and excited to learn.
To become a lifelong learner you have to prioritise it. 'Someday' is not marked in any calendars. Make that day today. Decide what you want to begin with and set some time aside to learn every day.
I chose to prioritise learning in 2022
I enrolled and completed courses in Styling, Clinical Psychology, Dream Analysis and Signature Analysis. All varied topics that piqued my curiosity and that I know will greatly contribute to my skills as an image consultant and coach and help me in my career path as well.
As I look back at the year I realise that learning gave me so much joy and a sense of accomplishment that I have decided to continue learning in 2023 as well.

This I think is as good a new year’s resolution as any.
So well articulated. there was a time when I thought I knew a lot till a time came when I wished I had shut my mouth and listened more. One life is not enough to experience learnings of living.