What is the one thing for which you will sacrifice your life? I mean actually stand in front of gunfire for, run into a burning building for, jump off a ledge for? What is it?
Let me tell you for sure- it’s not going to be for money. It’s probably not going to be for the next promotion. It’s surely not going to be for the membership to that exclusive club you’ve been wanting to get into.
So what is it that is worth risking your life for?
I’m going to be forever grateful to social media because everyday I learn something new. Everyday I find new inspiration. That is just what happened a few days ago. I saw on LinkedIn, a post about a sister remembering her brother, who lost his life when she was just a child.
Her brother was Capt. Batra, Param Vir chakra recipient who made the supreme sacrifice fighting for his country. Not really sure who he is? I wasn’t either. Don’t get me wrong, the fact that he was a part of our armed forces and that he served our nation was enough to get me to respect him but as I scrolled through the comments I became more curious.
I went online and read his story. About his valour and selflessness and bravery and strength and tactical thinking and everything that made him a great soldier. I read about how he made “dil maangey more” his slogan. How he went into battle to help out a troop that was trapped, not caring for his injuries and how he inspired so many around him to fight to win back for their country, not caring for their lives.
Till the end he demonstrated unbelievable selflessness. And he died a hero. A hero who continues to inspire scores everyday.

Kargil Vijay Diwas was yesterday and I hope we all found a few moments in our “busy lives” to express gratitude to those who keep us safe. I am writing this post to express my gratitude to these heroes
Reading his story was no less than reading a gripping novel, but this was the story of a real person- not a fictional hero. I was awed. And I had tears in my eyes. I had tears because I felt the pain of loss his loved ones felt, but also because I was embarrassed. I tried so hard but I couldn’t begin to understand the thought process of someone so brave and so noble. What motivated him to make the supreme act of selflessness?
That’s when I realised the true meaning of passion.
Passion exists when your cause is bigger than you. You can’t be passionate simply about money or cars or a great lifestyle. Those things are simply validation, not your goal.
This passion that I'm talking about is the prerequisite of success. This is the will to “do or die trying”. You will only be able to do this when your goal is bigger than you. When you aren’t driven by wanting to make more money, or buy a new car or dreams of a 'comfortable' life. It is rightly said, comfort is an ambition killer.
Success is achieved when you are able to impact another person’s life. When you contribute to a bigger goal. The true rewards of success come then.
So ask yourself, this business that you are trying to build, the award you want to win, the money you hope to earn- are you doing it with passion? Is your definition of success solely about you or will you find success in making an impact in other people's lives. Because only when we can find a way to help someone will we find that passion to do something bigger.
Here's me wishing us all the passion to do or die trying!
P.S To read Capt. Batra's story https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vikram_Batra#Kargil_War
