I love June, for many reasons, but mainly because it is my Birthday Month. Many people laugh (some snigger), tell me that is so cute & some even ask me, "Aren't you too old to be getting so excited about your Birthday?"
Let me tell you what I say to all those people. "No I'm not and I hope I never will be"
My birthday is like my very own New Year Day. It is literally the day I complete an entire year of existence & I think I should celebrate that. I should celebrate my life.
Celebrating your life isn't being silly or childish. It isn't about vanity, it is about getting to know yourself a little better, loving yourself a little more. Take some time out to look back, reflect on the good and the not so good. Peek into the past to see what lessons you learnt in the past year. Look back and smile at the little joys and congratulate yourself for a job well done. And while you're at it, don't forget to buy yourself a gift.
Celebrating yourself is important for many reasons. Let me give you 3:
It reminds us to enjoy the journey
We're all so busy living a life filled with goals, forever running towards the next big achievement that we miss out on all the small things that give us joy. Learn to be ambitious and go after the big goals, without sacrificing the small things that make life beautiful.
It teaches us to be grateful
We've been taught to celebrate our big achievements but we keep forgetting the miracle of our existence. Celebrating your life and your existence means being grateful for every moment, being grateful for all that you have. Developing an attitude of gratitude is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves & the key to being happy.
It makes you more confident
We all tend to be a little harsh on ourselves, constantly focussing on imagined shortcomings and not believing in our full potential. We don't realise the negative impact this thought process has on our confidence. Celebrating yourself is about being proud of who you are and where you are today. This gives you renewed confidence & energy to keep going.

When you celebrate yourself you are acknowledging that you are special. You are telling the universe that you are unstoppable. Love yourself, hold yourself in high regard. After all, your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you will have.
So all of this month, I will celebrate my life, I will laugh, I will dance, I will be extra kind to myself. And I know that the most important people in my life will join me in this celebration...
Happy Birthday Month to me :)
