Let me start with a disclaimer- this post is not political in nature! Mr Donald Trump has been a prominent figure for a long time and now he is the President of the United States of America so there are lots of his pictures everywhere you look.
So I had to comment- WHAT IS GOING ON WITH HIS TIE?!!

In case you didn’t get it- The tie is too long
Kenny King of King Brothers Clothiers in Minneapolis – the purveyor of upscale, bespoke (custom) suits – is also alarmed by Trump’s ties. “They are waaaaay too long. I’m not sure what is going on,” King told the Minneapolis Star Tribune. “We’ve actually met Donald Trump. He’s pretty tall, his torso is long, and in order to get the ties that long I imagine he is getting them custom made...”
Please take note: If your tie touches the chair between your legs when you're sitting down, it is too long. All I have to say to the men young and old who might admire him- that is one page you do not want to borrow from his book. The point of your tie should just brush your waistband; anything longer just looks sloppy. And that's not a good look, for anyone!
And also, has he never heard of a tie bar?

His absurdly long tie seems to be dancing in the wind. The flyaway tie also reveals another tie sin- he holds the two ends together with tape?!!!!
For those of you unfamiliar with the concept of a tie bar- it's a small decorative accessory that keeps your tie in place at windy moments. As with all good things fashion, there are 3 golden rules: First, a tie bar goes between the third and fourth buttons of your dress shirt. Second, a tie bar fastens the front and back ends of your tie to the placket of your shirt. Third, never wear a tie bar that's wider than your tie
And... Here's what you should aim to look like in a suit and tie- à la my favourite most well dressed man

I hope this little lesson in ties helps.
God Bless Mr Trump, God Bless Ryan Gosling and God Bless us all
Bye for now